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Mexico/Linz: Solidarity with the struggling masses!

Arbeiterstammtisch Linz/Steyr

Aktualisiert: 17. Nov. 2023

The original text was published in German on November 25.

Correspondence from the Workers' Initiative Linz/Steyr

In Mexico, criminalization, persecution, forced disappearances and assassinations of political opponents are a common practice of the state. Hand in hand with the imperialist plunderers, corporations and banks, the rulers in Mexico today are waging a war against the people.

From 2018 to date, 136 activists and fighters of the popular movement have been murdered. These are defenders of the land and the people, opponents of land displacement and large-scale imperialist projects, who are being systematically persecuted. In a statement, Yolanda Ruiz, spokesperson for the Popular Current Red Sun (Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo), said, "These are not isolated cases, but a counterinsurgency operation that is part of the war against the people."

In the past month, there have been two more victims of state terror by paramilitaries: Jesús Manuel García Martínez, called "Chu Pau," and Filogonio Martínez Merino. "Chu Pau" was assassinated on October 27 when an armed commando attacked the home of Erick Sanchez, regional leader of the Sol Rojo Popular Movement in the municipality of Santa Cruz Tagolaba. This is a community in Oaxaca that is in determined resistance to the enforcement of the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (CIIT), a large-scale imperialist project to open up the land, which means displacement and destruction for the population. Filogonio Martínez Merino, who was assassinated on October 26, defended his community of Paso de la Reyna against hydroelectric projects that involve human rights violations. There were numerous actions, demonstrations and rallies in Mexico demanding justice for the two murdered residents.

In Linz, a workers' initiative and an initiative of women joined the solidarity actions demanding justice for the murdered. Leaflets were distributed in defense of the resistance of the Mexican popular masses, exposing and condemning the large-scale imperialist projects. Photos were taken to express solidarity in Austria.

We condemn the brutal approach of the Mexican state to murder or disappear revolutionary and democratic activists, fighters for the cause of the people! We call to set a sign of solidarity also in Austria and to commemorate the numerous murdered by letting them live high in our common protests and struggles against imperialist terror and plunder!

Correspondence from the Workers' Initiative Linz/Steyr


What are correspondences? Correspondences are contributions from different parts of the population, as to say a direct mouthpiece of the people. They all have in common, that the respective correspondent is reporting directly from his or her live experience. From the work-place, the district, the school, etc… As the people‘s press, the revolutionary and democratic press not only expresses the interests of the majority of the population, but is also actively incorporating its representatives, gives them a voice, presents the different opinions and ideas of the masses to compare them and let them participate in discussion. Therefore in the „Red flag“, the workers, the voices of the youth and the women‘s movement, of the students, of unionist forces, the migrants as well as the self-employed and the small businesses, voices from the city and the countryside find a platform and an organ. The correspondents are not members of the editorial board, therefore they are not bound to the “journal line” in the narrow sense, but express their own voice.


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